Fall 2024 - Summer 2025
dd / mm / yyyy |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
22/06/2025 |
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Hirayama Yuko sensei, 7th Dan. Dan grading exams up to godan, and qualifications exams: (Instructor B, Judge B and Examiner C). The camp is open to green belts and up. Camp open to green belts and up.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
15/06/2025 |
Seminar with Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 8th Dan.
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
26/05/2025 |
Seminar with Naka Tatsuya Sensei, 7th Dan.
Document |
Toronto, ON |
World Class Karate
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
18/05/2025 |
10th Canadian JKA Championship
Info & Registration package
Registration deadline: April 20th. |
Magna Centre
800 Mulock Dr.
Newmarket, Ontario |
JKA-SKD Canada |
11/05/2025 |
Spring Camp with instructor Ryosuke Shimizu sensei, 6th Dan JKA.
300 Chemin du Golf, Nun's Island, Montreal, QC H3E 1A8 |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
04/05/2025 |
Annual General Assembly of the JKA-SKD Canada |
JKA-SKD Canada |
06/04/2025 |
Brad Jones Karate Junor Shiai tournament
Document |
Magna Centre in Newmarket, Ontario |
Brad Jones Karate
gu-dextran@rogers.com |
09/032025 |
34th annual JKA Montreal karate Tournament
Open to 8 years old and up.
Registration deadline: february 16th.
Documents and registration forms |
Côte-des-Neiges Sports Center gymnasium
4880 Avenue Van Horne Montreal, QC H3W 1J3 |
Shidokan International and Concordia JKA karate
(514) 735-4389
(450) 538-0743 |
23/02/2025 |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei, 7th Dan, Louis-A. Dessaint Sensei, 7th Dan and Manon Quirion Sensei, 7th Dan. Grading (up to Sandan) and qualification exams (D level).
Please note that, unlike previous editions, the classes will be structured as follows: 2 classes for green to brown belts and 3 classes for black belts (see schedule document).
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
08/02/2025 |
Calgary 2025 Winter JKA Karate Tournament
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Invitation & registration document
Registration link
https://forms.gle/xEA523Qb6mYPjo4A7 |
Copperfield Elementary School (54 Copperstone RD SE), Calgary, Alberta |
empowjka@gmail.com |
2024 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
November 22-23 |
Seminars with instructor Don Sharp, 7th Dan JKA.
Airdrie (Nov 22)
Calgary (Nov 23) |
JKA Airdrie & JKA Karate-do Academy |
October 25-27th |
JKA Workd Championship |
Takasaki (Japan) |
September 19th-22nd |
2024 Fall Training Camp, Toronto.
Guest Instructor - Koichiro Okuma Shihan, 7th Dan JKA HQ
See registration form. |
World Class Karate
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
July 12th-14th |
Kelowna JKA-BC Karate Summer Camp with instructors Don Sharp Sensei, 7th Dan, Mark Deschatelets Sensei, 6th Dan, Michael Doherty Sensei, 6th Dan, Sal Sharp Sensei, 5th Dan, Joe Lappan Sensei, 4th Dan and Brock Smith Sensei, 3rd Dan.
See registration form. |
Kelowna Karate and Fitness Inc.
kelownashotokan@gmail.com |
June 19-23rd |
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Tomio Imamura Sensei, 8th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan. Grading and qualifications exams. Camp open to green belts and up.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 18th-24th
June 22rdTournament |
- Seminar with Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 8th Dan, qualification & Dan exams.
- Tournament.
See documents |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
June 22th |
JKA Alberta Tournament
Jack James High School, 5105 8 Ave SE, Calgary, AB, T2A 4M1 |
JKA Empow Lil Academy and Airdrie / Calgary JKA Karate
danverzotti@gmail.com |
May 23-26th |
Seminar with Naka Tatsuya Sensei, 7th Dan
Vaughan, ON |
World Class Karate
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
May 19th |
2023 Canadian JKA Championship
Ville Saint-Laurent, QC |
May 4th-5th |
Spring Camp with instructors Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan JKA and Mark Deschatelets, 6th Dan JKA.
Registration and schedule |
300 Chemin du Golf, Nun's Island, Montreal, QC H3E 1A8 |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
Feb 17th-18th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei, 7th Dan, Louis-A. Dessaint Sensei, 7th Dan and Manon Quirion Sensei, 7th Dan. Grading (up to Sandan) and qualification exams (D level).
Académie Lauren-Hill, Senior Campus
2505 Boul. de la Côte-Vertu, Saint-Laurent H4R 1P3 |
www.akjkaq.ca |
Feb 7th-13th |
Winter Camp with instructor Don Sharp, 7th Dan JKA.
Event postponed until a later date. |
Notre-Dame-du Laus JKA, Pointe-Claire JKA & Kirkland JKA Karate Club |
2023 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Dec 16th |
Kirkland JKA Tournament |
N/A |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
Dec 12nd-16th (to be confirmed) |
Seminar with Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 7th Dan. (to be confirmed).
N/A |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
Dec 7th-10th |
Seminars and Gradings up to Godan with JKA Headquarters Instructor, Koichiro Okuma Sensei, 7th Dan
World Class Karate Vaughan and Mississauga Dojos |
World Class Karate
Ray & Stan Tio
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
Nov 25th |
2023 JKA Canadian Championship
Magna Center in Newmarket, Ontario |
Cancelled |
Dingman Sensei Memorial Cup
Nintai Dojo in the Bronx Park Community Centers large Gym
720 Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg Mb |
Nintai Dojo
James D.R. James |
July 14th-16th |
Kelowna JKA-BC Karate Summer Camp with instructors Don Sharp Sensei, 7th Dan, Mark Deschatelets Sensei, 6th Dan, Michael Doherty Sensei, 6th Dan, Sal Sharp Sensei, 5th Dan, Harry Sidhu,4th Dan, Brock Smith Sensei, 3rd Dan and Paul Atkin Sensei, 4th Dan.
See registration form. |
Kelowna Karate and Fitness Inc.
kelownashotokan@gmail.com |
June 21-25th |
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Takahashi Satoshi Sensei, 7th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan. Grading and qualifications exams.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 24th |
2023 Can/Am JKA Invitational Tournament (poster)
Vaugan Sportsplex II, 8301 Keele St, Concord, ON L4K 1Z6 |
World Class Karate Dojos
Ray & Stan Tio
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
June 22nd-23rd |
Seminiar with Don Sharp Sensei, 7th Dan.
World Class Karate Mississauga Dojo.
2485 Dunwun Dr. Unit 2
Mississauga, Ontario |
World Class Karate
Ray & Stan Tio
rayanthonytio@gmail.com |
June 6th-11th |
- Seminar with Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 7th Dan, qualification & Dan exams.
- Tournament.
See registration form. |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
May 13th-14th |
Spring Camp with instructors Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan JKA and Mark Deschatelets, 6th Dan JKA.
300 Chemin du Golf, Nun's Island, Montreal, QC H3E 1A8 |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
April 15th |
Alberta Open 2nd JKA-SKD Tournament.
333 Shawville Blvd SE #100, Calgary, AB T2Y 4H3 |
(587) 581 3939
(403) 607 0621
Daniel Verzotti
Lilia Boaghi |
March 19th |
32nd JKA Shotokan Karate Tournament
- Forms available soon.
- 11:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Shidokan International & Concordia JKA Karate
melarietaylor55@gmail.com |
March 11th |
Spring Kelowna JKA Championship Karate Cup
Immaculata Regional High School
1493 K.L.O. Road Kelowna, BC, V1W 3N8 |
Kelowna Karate and Fitness Inc.
kelownashotokan@gmail.com |
Feb 25th-26th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei,7th Dan, Louis-A. Dessaint, 7th Dan and Manon Quirion Sensei, 6th Dan.
www.akjkaq.ca |
2022 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
December 13th-18th |
1- Winter Camp with guest instructor Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 7th Dan JKA from the Hombu dojo. Exams and qualifications.
2- Kirkland JKA Tournament open for all JKA-SKD dojos. |
Information, registration and schedule document. |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
June 22nd -26th |
AKJKAQ Summer Camp with guest instructor Imura Takenori sensei , 8th Dan.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
May 31st-June 4th |
Spring Camp with guest instructor Shiina Katsutoshi Sensei, 7th Dan JKA from the Hombu dojo.
Invitation, schedule and registration document
See invitation document. |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
May 21st-22nd |
Spring Camp with instructors Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan JKA and Mark Deschatelets, 6th Dan JKA.
Invitation, schedule and registration document
300 Chemin du Golf, Nun's Island, Montreal, QC H3E 1A8 |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
2021 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
July 3-4th |
AKJKAQ Summer Camp with instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei,7th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 7th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
Class #1
Saturday (A.M.)
10:30 - 11:30 green belts and up.
11:30 - 12:00 ceintures brown and black belts
Class #2 (P.M.)
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. green belts and up.
2:30 - 3:00 : brown and black belts
Class #3
Sunday (A.M.)
10:30 - 11:30 green belts and up.
11:30 - 12:00 brown and black belts
Class #4 (P.M.)
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
brown and black belts.
2:40 p.m. Dan exams |
www.akjkaq.ca |
May 30th |
Annual General Meeting
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. EST
(1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. PST) |
JKA-SKD Canada Board of Directors
administration@jkaskd.ca |
May 28-30th |
JKA-BC Online Spring Camp with instructor Don Sharp, JKA 7thDan and 1996 World Champion. The focus will be on the study of detailed kata development, technical basic skills and jyu kumite skills.
Invitation and Schedule document
- E-Transfer made out to: Valley Shidokan at either 604-799-2807 or donsharpvs3@gmail.com. Payments must be received by no later than May 25th.
- $150 full seminar black belts (6 classes)
- $85 full seminar adult kyu grades (3 classes)
- $70 full seminar youths kyu grades (3 classes)
- $35 per individual class adults
- $30 per individual class youths
- Shodan exam: $250 USD
- Nidan exam: $280 USD
- Exam forms must be submitted by May 14th.
- Dan Exam records (Shodan-Sandan)
Valley Shidokan
Don Sharp
604-858-2807 donsharpvs3@gmail.com |
May 22nd-23rd |
Spring Camp with instructors Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan JKA and Mark Deschatelets, 6e Dan JKA. The camp will provide participants with JKA standards in Kihon, Kata et Kumite as well as trainings for Dan exams.
Invitation and Schedule document (updated)
- Payable by E-Transfer to: nunsiland@canadajka.ca
- Full camp: $60 CND
- Per class: $20 CND
- Shodan exam: $250 USD
- Nidan exam: $280 USD
- Exam forms must be submitted by May 14th.
- Dan Exam records (Shodan-Nidan)
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
14th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei,7th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 7th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
- 15$ / training class (bank transfer only)
- 30$ for both (bank transfer only)
- Contact your instructor or karate.jka@videotron.ca to complete your Subscription
- Examiner's records must be received by March 7th
- Dan exam record
- Exam fees: bank transfer only.
Note : Daylight saving time adjustment in the night of March 13th to 14th. |
www.akjkaq.ca |
2020 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
16th-17th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei,7th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 7th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
April 19th
Annual JKA Tournament of the AKJKAQ |
www.akjkaq.ca |
Date TBA |
Kirkland JKA Training Camp
With guest instructor
Katsutoshi Shiina Sensei - 7th Dan
Info TBA... |
Kirkland Community Center
16950 Hymus Blvd, Kirkland, Quebec
H9H 3W7 |
Kirkland JKA Karate Club
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
BC Spring Seminar
With guest instructor
Don Sharp - 7th Dan
Info TBA... |
8364 Young Rd, Suite 105, Chilliwack, BC |
Valley Shidokan/JKA BC
Don Sharp
604-858-2807 donsharpvs3@gmail.com |
Date TBA |
JKA Manitoba Camp
With guest instructor
Don Sharp - 7th Dan
Info TBA... |
Wilderness Edge Resort, one hour outside Winnipeg, MB |
Nintai Dojo
James D.R. James
neiko3@hotmail.com |
Montreal JKA Spring Training Camp 2020.
Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
BC Budo Cup Tournament |
Colleen and Gordie Howe Middle School, 3174 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 4N6 |
Abbotsford Shotokan Karate Dojo
Harry Sidhu
harryssidhu@hotmail.com |
June 24-28th
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Hirayama Yuko Sensei, 6th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan. Green belts and up.
Details TBA... |
www.akjkaq.ca |
Sept 19th |
BC Provincial Championship |
TBA... |
TBA... |
Montreal JKA Fall Training Camp 2020. |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
Nov 13-15th |
BC Fall Seminar
With guest instructor
Don Sharp - 7th Dan
Info TBA... |
8364 Young Rd, Suite 105, Chilliwack, BC |
Valley Shidokan/JKA BC
Don Sharp
604-858-2807 donsharpvs3@gmail.com |
2019 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
November 10th |
22nd Shidokan International Montreal Fall Camp 2019
Invited guest instructor: Takahashi Sensei from JKA Brooklyn.
9:00–10:30 AM for green belts and up.
Fee: $20
Invitation document
Côte-des-Neiges Sports Center
4880 Avenue Van Horne H3W 1J3 (opposite of IGA)
(West of Victoria – Métro Plamondon South exit with stairs) |
Shidokan International
An Li
an_li.1966@hotmail.com |
November 5th |
Special training sessions
Special Guest Instructor
Sensei Minoru Saeki - 7th Dan
Ottawa JKA & CJKF - Chief Instructor
Regularly scheduled classes
6:00 - 7:00 PM White to Black belts
7:00 - 8:00 PM Blue to Black belts
Fee: $10
Invitation document
16950 Hymus Blvd, Kirkland, Quebec
H9H 3W7 |
Kirkland JKA
Angelo Massotti
(514) 299-6354 jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
August 29th - September 1st |
JKA-SKD International Gasshuku
Guest instructors: Master Ueki Masaaki Sensei, 10th Dan, JKA Chief Instructor, along with Imura Takenori Sensei, 8th Dan and Igarashi Tatsuro Sensei, 3rd Dan, both JKA Headquarter instructors.
Join us and be part of an exciting event in the summer of 2019!
Places are limited. Preference will be given to those who register for a full camp. The camp is open to the JKA-SKD Canada members and JKA affiliated members who hold the rank of 5th kyu and above.
Registration forms must be received by August 1st.
Please note that based on further communication with JKA headquarters in Japan, Dan examinations will be up to ROKU DAN (6th DAN) and qualification examinations will be up to B level.
Poster (updated)
Invitation document (updated)
Registration document
Dan Exam Record
Qualifications Exam Record
ETS Sport Center, Ecole
des Technologies Superieures,
1100, rue Notre-Dame ouest, Montreal, QC
Banquet :
Saturday night
7:30 to 10:30 PM
Brasserie italienne Industria, 100 Peel st. (corner Wellington st) |
June 14-15-16th |
Montreal JKA Spring Training Camp 2019.
Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan
Mark Deschatelets, 5th Dan |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
May 19th |
JKA National Karate Championships
ETS Sport Center, Ecole
des Technologies Superieures,
1100, rue Notre-Dame ouest, Montreal, QC
Directions |
Apr 7th |
Annual JKA Tournament of the AKJKAQ
18 y.o. and up (black belt) category is opened for members of the JKA-SKD Canada. This category will be held in mid afternoon (uncertain time, please show up early).
Subscription date limit:March 31th.
Heritage Regional High School, 7445 Chemin Chambly, Saint-Hubert, (Quebec) J3Y 3S3.
Parking and gymnasium info.
Dojo St-Hubert
www.akjkaq.ca |
Mar 16th |
JKA Shotokan Karate Tournament 31thanniversary -
All info and documents here..,
Registration deadline : Feb 24th |
Côte des Neiges Sports Center Gymnasium -
4880 Avenue Van Horne |
Shidokan International & Concordia JKA Karate
melarietaylor55@gmail.com |
Feb 16th-17th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei,7th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 7th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
2018 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Nov 4th |
Canadian National Championship |
Toronto |
July 19th - 22nd |
JKA-BC Karate Summer Camp With instructors Don Sharp Sensei, 6th Dan, Mark Deschatelets Sensei 5th Dan and Paul Atkin Sensei, 4th Dan.
See registration form for details. |
(250)-870-3662 |
June 27th to July 1st |
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Hirayama Yuko Sensei, 6th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 3rd |
4th JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Junior Tournament - Poster
Open to members of the JKASKD
5-16 y.o.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Subscription ends May 12th |
Tom Brown Arena
141 Bayview Rd.
Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4M3 |
JKA Migenkan
jka.migenkan@gmail.com |
May 25-26-27th |
Montreal JKA Spring Training Camp 2018.
Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 7th Dan
Mark Deschatelets, 5th Dan
Document... |
300, Chemin du golf, Montreal, Qc, H3E 1A8 |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
Apr 29th |
Annual JKA Tournament of the AKJKAQ
18 y.o. and up (black belt) category is opened for members of the JKA-SKD Canada. This category will be held in mid afternoon (uncertain time, please show up early).
Subscription date limit: April 20.
Please check with your instructor to complete the subscription form.
JKA tournament rules available below:
Centre d’Excellence en Karaté du Québec, 5390 rue de Castille, Montréal, H1G3E4 |
Organized by François Persico
www.akjkaq.ca |
Apr 7th |
Annual General Meeting (2-4 pm) |
Montreal |
JKA-SKD Canada Board of Directors
aikawa.bio@gmail.com |
March 17th |
JKA Shotokan Karate Tournament 30thanniversary - Poster
Registration deadline : Feb 18th |
Côte des Neiges Sports Center Gymnasium -
4880 Avenue Van Horne |
Shidokan International & Concordia JKA Karate
melarietaylor55@gmail.com |
Feb 24th-25th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei, 6th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 6th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
Jan 19th to 21th |
JKA SKD International Winter Camp 2018 with guest instructors Shu TAKAHASHI, Douglas LUFT, Eiji TORYU and Robert JACOBS. |
Van Horne Dojo
See invitation document for the location and schedule. |
Melarie Taylor
2017 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Nov 25th |
18th annual LSCDN Tournament
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Subscription document
Subscription deadline: November 15th |
Cote-des-Neiges Sport Center gymnasium
4880 Van Horne ave (Metro Plamondon, Bus 124, 161) |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
Nov 12th |
Shotokan Karate Tora Dojo 14th Annual Dojo Competition
Schedule and Permission Form
Registration deadline: November 5th |
7721 Newman (Prestige Fitness), Lasalle, Quebec, H8N 1X7 |
Shotokan Karate Tora Dojo (Dojo #24)
Chuck Billo
www.toradojo.ca |
Nov 3rd-4th |
Shidokan International Montreal Fall Camp 2017
Schedule and fees Document |
Centre Sportif Côte des Neiges 4880 VanHorne (opposite IGA) H3W 1J3
514-342-9988 (WEST of Victoria - Metro Plamondon {south exit with stairs}) |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
August 18th-20th |
Gichin Funakoshi World Cup
14th Karate World Championship
August 18th: Junior World Championship
August 19th and 20th: Adults World Championship |
University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland |
JKA & JKA Ireland
www.jkaworldchampionships2017.com |
July 20th-23rd |
JKA-BC Summer Camp 2017
JKA-BC Summer Camp 2017 Package document
Kelowna, BC
Please download the Package document for more details. |
June 28th to July 2nd |
AKJKAQ summer camp with guest instructor Katsutoshi Shiina Sensei, 7th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 10th |
3rd JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Junior Tournament
Schedule : 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Registration document
Please send scanned registration forms and signed individual waiver forms to jka.migenkan@gmail.com by Sunday, May 21, 2017.
Tom Brown Arena
141 Bayview Rd. Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4M3 |
Bio Aikawa (see Registration document) |
May 26, 27, 28th |
Montreal JKA Summer Karate Camp -2017.
Shahrokh Hoghooghi, 6th Dan JKA.
Mark Deschatelets, 5th Dan JKA.
Registration form |
Nuns'Island JKA Dojo, 300 Chemin du Golf, Nuns'Island, Verdun, Qc |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
May 7th |
5th JKA Canadian National Championship
Schedule: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 7th, 2017 |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - Palestre, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
Angelo Massotti
jkaskd.amassotti@gmail.com |
March 18th |
JKA Shotokan Karate Competition - 29th Anniversary.
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Poster |
Cote des Neiges Sports Center Gymnasium
4880 Van Horne, Montreal
(Metro Plamondon) |
Melarie Taylor |
Feb 18th-19th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp with guest instructors: Jean-Pierre Cusson Sensei, 6th Dan and Louis-A. Dessaint, 6th Dan. Grading and qualification exams.
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
2016 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Nov 4th-6th |
Shidokan International Montreal Fall Camp 2016
Takahashi Shu Sensei, 7th Dan, from the JKA of Brooklyn dojio and Douglas Luft Sensei, 7th Dan, from the JKA of Albany dojo. |
- See registration form, schedule and lodging information document. |
Shidokan International
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
June 29th to July 3rd |
AKJKAQ summer camp:
Kurihara Kazuaki Sensei, 5th Dan, from JKA Headquarters in Tokyo.
Kurihara Sensei is a 9 times kata champion at the All Japan Karate Championship, 2 times kata champion at the World Championship, Kumite champion at the All Japan Karate Championship in 2011 and 3rd place in Kumite in 2007.
- Schedule
- Registration form |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 19th |
2nd JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Junior Tournament
12:00-4:00 pm (UPDATED)
- Info and registration document here
Tom Brown Arena
141 Bayview Rd. Ottawa, ON
Results are available now! |
Ottawa Shotokan Karate-Do and JKA Migenkan
Info and registration document here. |
Thursday June 2nd to Sunday June 5th |
2016 Masters Gasshuku:
Takeshi Oishi Sensei
Yasuo Sakurai Sensei
Also Don Sharp Sensei |
- Invitation letter
- Schedule, location, registration and fees
- Poster (large file) |
JKA BC AND Valley Shidokan JKA Karate-Do |
May 27, 28, 29th |
Montreal JKA Summer Karate Camp -2016:
Eiji Toryu Sensei, 6th Dan, JKA
- Information |
Nuns'Island JKA Dojo, 300 Chemin du Golf, Nuns'Island, Verdun, Qc |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
March 19th |
The 28th Annual Montreal JKA Karate Tournament.
- Invitation
- Categories
- Waiver
- Registration form and schedule |
Cavendish NDG Sport Complex Gymnasium, 6455 Monkland avenue (&Cavendish), Montreal, Quebec |
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
26-28th |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp:
Okuma Koichiro Sensei, 6th Dan from JKA Headquarter in Tokyo.
Grading and qualification exams.
- Invitation letter
- Schedule document
- Member registration form
- Dojo Registration form
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor, 1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Friday evening only:
Centre Jean-Claude-Malépart, 2633, Ontario East str. (Frontenac metro station). Montreal, Qc
www.cjcm.ca |
www.akjkaq.ca |
Feb 16,18,19,20th |
Montreal Winter Karate Seminar-2016: Sakurai Yasuo Shihan, 7th Dan, JKA
- Information |
Nuns'Island JKA Dojo, 300 Chemin du Golf, Nuns'Island, Verdun, Qc |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
2015 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Nov 5-8 |
Shidokan International Montreal Fall Camp, 2015 (invitation and schedule) |
Invitation and schedule |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
September 28 - october 4 |
Eastern Canada JKA Gasshuku 2015:
Don Sharp Sensei, 6th Dan from Valley Shidokan dojo, Chilliwack, British Columbia.
For details, please donwload the invitation and schedule document. |
For details, please donwload the invitation and schedule document. |
July 1-5 |
AKJKAQ summer camp:
Hanzaki Yasuo Sensei, 7th Dan from the Hombu Dojo of Japan.
- Schedule
document (updated)
- Registration form (updated) |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
Manon Quirion
www.akjkaq.ca |
June 20 |
1st JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Junior Tournament
1:00-4:00 pm
- Info and registration document here. |
Hintonburg Community Centre
1064 Wellington St. Ottawa, ON, K1Y 2Y3
- 613-798-8874 |
Ottawa Shotokan Karate-Do and JKA Migenkan
Info and registration document here. |
June 5, 6 and 7 |
Montreal J.K.A. Summer Camp 2015:
Eiji Toryu Sensei, 6th Dan JKA.
Information and schedule. |
260-Elgar, Nuns’ Island, Verdun, H3E 1C9, Québec, Canada. (514) 765-7270
(Nuns’island Community Centre new gym) |
Nun's Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.CanadaJKA.ca |
May 17 |
3rd Canadian JKA National Championship, Montreal, QC
- Information, registration and schedule. |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
JKA-SKD Canada and CJKF |
Mar 7-8 |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp:
François Gélinas Sensei, 6th Dan.
& JKA-SKD Canada Annual General Meeting March 8 2:00 - 4:00 pm
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
2014 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Dec |
LSCDN Tournament |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
Nov |
Montreal Fall Camp |
4880 Van Horne, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
Jul 2-6 |
AKJKAQ Summer Camp:
Katsutoshi Shiina Sensei, 7th Dan of JKA Headquarter.
- Schedule |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
Jun 6-8 |
Montreal JKA Summer Camp |
Nuns' Island, QC |
Nuns' Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club (Dojo #19)
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
to-nunsisland@canadajka.ca |
May 25 |
2014 JKA Canadian National Championship |
Senator O'Connor Catholic Secondary School
60 Rowena Drive, Scarborough, ON |
Please contact your Dojo instructor for more information |
May 1-4 |
Chilliwack Spring Seminarr:
Riki Kumeta Sensei of JKA Headquarter |
Valley Shidokan Karate
# 105-8364 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC |
Valley Shidokan Karate (Dojo #3)
Don Sharp
Apr 13 |
AKJKAQ Provincial Tournament |
École secondaire régionale Héritage, 7445, Chemin Chambly, Saint-Hubert |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
Mar 21-22 |
Concordia Tournament |
Concordia University - Loyola Campus Gymnasium
7200 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
Melarie Taylor
www.shidokanint.ca |
Mar 1-2 |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
2013 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Aug 15-18 |
First JKA-SKD Gasshuku with Shuseki Shihan Ueki Masaaki from JKA HQ.
Event report (poster) |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
Directions |
2012 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Dec |
13th LSCDN competition |
N/A |
Shidokan International
(Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
Nov/Dec |
Winnipeg Fall Camp |
N/A |
JKA Shotokan Karate-Do
Winnipeg (Dojo #12)
jdick@mts.net |
Nov 2-4 |
Montreal Fall Camp:
Douglas Luft Sensei, 6th Dan, from Albany, NY |
4880 Van Horne, Montreal,
QC |
Shidokan International
(Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
Jul 4-8 |
summer camp:
Satoshi Takahashi Sensei,
6th Dan |
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
- Directions |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
(Dojo #15)
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
1-3 |
Montreal Summer Camp:
Eiji Toryu Sensei, 6th Dan |
Nun'Island Community
Center (new gym)
260-Elgar, Montreal, Nuns’ Island, QC
- Directions
- Schedule/fees |
Nuns' Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
(Dojo# 19)
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.canadajka.ca |
Mar 16-18 |
25th Concordia competition,
Montreal |
Concordia University
- Loyola Campus Gymnasium
7200 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan International
(Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
2011 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
27 |
12th LSCDN competition |
Sportifs Côte des Neiges 4880 Van Horne, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan Internationalwww.shidokanint.ca |
18-19 |
Winnipeg Fall Camp |
Gate School, Winnipeg |
JKA Shotokan Karate-Do, Winnipeg
jdick@mts.net |
Nov 4-6 |
Fall Camp:
Master Masataka
Mori, 8th Dan |
Sportif Côte des Neiges, 4880 Van Horne, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan Internationalwww.shidokanint.ca |
29 to
Jul 3 |
Summer Camp:
Kenro Kurasako Sensei, 7th Dan
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
- Directions |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
(Dojo# 15)
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
3-5 |
JKA Summer Camp:
Koyama Shojiro Sensei, 8th Dan
- More info... |
Nuns' Island Community Center
Montreal, Nuns’ Island, QC |
Nuns' Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
(Dojo# 19)
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.canadajka.ca |
6-7 |
Winnipeg Spring Camp:
Master Masataka Mori, 8th Dan |
6 - The Pan Am Pool, Grant Avenue
May 7 - St. James Collegiate, Portage Avenue at Ferry Road |
JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Winnipeg
jdick@mts.net |
19 |
Concordia competition, Montreal |
Concordia University – Loyola Campus Gymnasium
7200 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, QC |
Shidokan Internationalwww.shidokanint.ca |
Feb 19-20 |
AKJKAQ Winter Camp:
Shu Takahashi Sensei, 7th Dan
des technologies superieures
Pavillon B - local B-3402, 3rd floor,
1111, Notre-Dame West st., Montreal, QC
- Directions |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
(Dojo# 15)
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
2010 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Nov 27 |
11th Annual LSCDN Fall Competition,
Montreal |
N/A |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
19-20 |
Winnipeg Fall Camp:
Masataka Mori Sensei, 8th Dan |
N/A |
JKA Shotokan Karate-Do
Winnipeg (Dojo #12)
jdick@mts.net |
4-7 |
Montreal Fall Camp:
Masataka Mori Sensei, 8th Dan |
N/A |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
30 -
Jul 4 |
AKJKAQ Summer Camp,
N/A |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
(Dojo #15)
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
18-19 |
Island Karate Marathon |
N/A |
Nuns' Island J.K.A. Shotokan Karate Club
(Dojo# 19)
Shahrokh Hoghooghi
www.canadajka.ca |
27-30 |
11th Annual Montreal Summer Camp:
Masataka Mori Sensei, 8th Dan, and José Pacheco Sensei, 7th Dan from Portugal |
N/A |
JKA Karate Club (Dojo #11)
Ashraf Ismail
www.westmountjka.com |
24 |
Shotokan Karate-Do Manitoba Karate Tournament, Winnipeg |
N/A |
JKA Shotokan Karate-Do
Winnipeg (Dojo #12)
jdick@mts.net |
19-21 |
Concordia University 23rd JKA Tournament and JKA qualification exam, Montreal |
N/A |
Shidokan International (Dojo #20)
www.shidokanint.ca |
Feb 27-28 |
AKJKAQ Montreal Winter Camp: Masataka Mori Sensei, 8th Dan |
N/A |
Karaté Shotokan St-Hubert
(Dojo #15)
Jean-Pierre Cusson
www.akjkaq.ca |
Feb 20 |
Kickathon – 1000 kicks, fundraising, Montreal |
N/A |
Karate Tora Dojo (Dojo #24)
sheriandchuck@sympatico.ca |
2009 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Feb 28-
March 1 |
Winter Camp organized by the AKJKAQ in Montreal
Guest instructor: Mr. Masataka Mori (8th Dan) |
N/A |
karate.jka@videotron.ca |
March 20-22 |
Training Camp and Concordia University 22th JKA Tournament, Montreal, organized by Shidokan International (classes: Friday 7:pm, Sunday 9:00am) |
N/A |
shidokanint@qc.aira.com |
May 1-7 |
Training camp organized by JKA clubs in the lower land, Chilliwack and Vancouver, British Columbia
Guest instructor: Mr. Sakurai (7th Dan) |
N/A |
June 4-7 |
10th Annual Montreal Summer Camp organized by the Westmount JKA Karate Club. Guest instructor Mr. Sawada (7th Dan) from Belgium |
N/A |
westmountjka@videotron.ca |
June 20-21 |
Karate Marathon held by Nuns’ Island JKA Shotokan Karate Club in Nuns’ Island |
N/A |
jkanunsisland@videotron.ca |
June 24-28 |
Summer Camp organized by the AKJKAQ in Montreal |
N/A |
karate.jka@videotron.ca |
November 5-8 |
Montreal Fall Camp organized by Shidokan Interna-tional. Guest instructor: Mr. Masataka Mori (8th Dan) |
N/A |
shidokanint@qc.aira.com |
November 20-21 |
Winnipeg Fall Camp organized by JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Winnipeg, Guest instructor: Mr. Masataka Mori (8th Dan) |
N/A |
jdick@winnipeg.ca |
December 5 |
10th annual LSCDN tournament, Montreal organized by Shidokan International |
N/A |
shidokanint@qc.aira.com |
2008 |
Event |
Location |
Organized by: |
Feb 9 |
Kick-A-Thon organized by Shotokan Karate Tora Dojo in Montreal |
N/A |
sheriandchuck@sympatico.ca |
Feb 16-17 |
Winter Camp organized by the Association de Karaté JKA du Québec in Montreal
Guest instructor: Mr. Masataka Mori |
N/A |
karate.jka@videotron.ca |
March 14-16 |
Montreal Spring Camp, Concordia University 21th JKA Tournament and JKA SKD National Tournament organized by Shidokan International |
N/A |
shidokanint@qc.aira.com |
June 5-8 |
Montreal Summer Camp organized by the Westmount JKA Karate Club |
N/A |
westmountjka@videotron.ca |
June 13-14 |
Karate Marathon held by Nuns’ Island JKA Shotokan Karate Club in Nuns’ Island) |
N/A |
jkanunsisland@videotron.ca |
June 20-22 |
NASKA Summer Camp in Chilliwack (Cheam Centre YMCA), British Columbia |
N/A |
naska.seminar@gmail.com |
June 25-29 |
Summer Camp organized by the Association de Karaté JKA du Québec in Montreal |
N/A |
karate.jka@videotron.ca |
November 7-9 |
Montreal Fall Camp organized by Shidokan International |
N/A |
shidokanint@qc.aira.com |
November 21-22 |
Winnipeg Fall Camp organized by JKA Shotokan Karate-Do Winnipeg |
N/A |
jdick@mts.net |